Blood pressure Holter

Date booking: Required

Referral: Required for patients under 18 years of age.
Referral is not required for adult patients (over 18 years of age).

Age range: Patients 12 years and older.

Result waiting time: Result to be received up to 7 working days after the Holter is taken.

Price list







  • It is necessary to come to the examination with an identity document (in the case of persons under 18 years of age, a parent/guardian comes with the document), as the condition for the installation of a holter is the signing of a rental agreement with an adult for the device.
  • For patients under 18 years of age, the test is performed on the basis of a referral from a doctor.
  • On the day of the test, take all medications taken on a regular basis.
  • The device must not be wet or removed from its case.
  • Loose, two-piece clothing (short-sleeved blouse and pants/skirt) is recommended, and the camera can be clipped to the waistband of the pants or worn on a belt hung around the neck.
  • Patients taking anticoagulants may develop skin petechiae in the arm area, but there is no need to discontinue them, they are not a contraindication.
  • During the test at the start of the blood pressure measurement (the cuff tightens on the patient's arm as it fills with air), the upper limb should be straightened at the elbow joint and stopped for a moment for the measurement to be taken correctly. After the measurement (release of air from the cuff), you can perform normal movements of the limb on which the measurement is taken. The aforementioned procedure prevents measurement errors/movement artifacts that hinder or prevent a meaningful evaluation of the test results.

Description of the study

A Holter RR test is otherwise known as a blood pressure Holter or a daily blood pressure test.
The test involves recording blood pressure throughout the day: every 20 minutes during the day, every 30 minutes at night. Throughout the study, the patient wears a blood pressure measuring device (recorder) on a belt and a cuff worn on the arm.
Apatar is the size of a walkman.
Purpose of the study:

  • Pressure assessment during the patient's daily activity,
  • To evaluate the effectiveness of treatment and eliminate the phenomenon of so-called "white coat hypertension."

The test is not performed to assess heart rate during extreme exertion such as intense exercise.