Material: Blood
Study price: PLN 13.00
Waiting time for the result: result no later than the next working day

  • We perform the test without prior reservation. Check the working hours of the collection center

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Preparation for the study


  • The test material is blood.
  • The patient must be fasting. On the day before the test, it is recommended to have an easily digestible,
    low-fat diet and refraining from intense exercise and stimulants.

Detailed for infants

  • For children under 3 years of age, it is recommended to draw blood from half to one hour after feeding.

Detailed for patients 60 years and older

  • About 30 minutes before the test, it is recommended to consume water or bitter (unsweetened) tea.


Prothrombin time is the clotting process triggered by thromboplastin, released from damaged tissues, is reproduced under laboratory conditions. It is the clotting time of plasma after the addition of thromboplastin and calcium chloride. INR-prothrombin ratio is another form of expression of the prothrombin time result-recommended by the WHO.

Importance of the test: one of the tests of the coagulation system, indicates possible deficiency of factor VII or >vitamin K, control of treatment with oral anticoagulants (coumarin derivatives, e.g.:acenocoumarol, sintrom, syncoumar), control test before planned surgery. Abnormal values: in kidney disease, in the absence of coagulation factors.

Development and preparation of material (applies to contractors only)

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